박문호의 베스트북
세포라는 대우주
루이스 토마스
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이 책은 Lewis Thomas Prize를 제정한 계기가 될 정도로 과학사에 중요한 의미를 지닌 책입니다.
물론 한글 번역본은 절판되어 어디서도 구하기 힘듭니다.
더군다나 저자인 Lewis Thomas도 1993년에 작고하여 더이상 이 분의 책을 볼 수가 없습니다.
Lewis Thomas Prize는 록펠러 대학이 저자가 작고한 1993년에 제정하였고, 1993년 첫번째 수상자가 저자입니다. 물론 이 상 제정의 계기는 바로 저자의 에세이 모음집인 "The Lives of a Cell(세포라는 대우주)" 입니다.
이 상은 과학자이면서 문학에 큰 업적을 남긴 사람에게 수상합니다.
즉 과학자로서 과학의 새로운 정보만이 아니라 과학의 심미적이고 철학적인 부문을 통해서 과학과 인류사회사이에 교량의 역할을 하며 중요한 문학적 성취를 남긴 사람에게 매년 수여하는 상입니다.
이런 의미의 상을 제정하게 한 책이 " The Lives of a cell"입니다. 이 책 내용 역시 이런 의미를 지닌 책이란 걸 알 수 있습니다. 이 책에 관하여 박자세 관리자님이 올렸던 글을 참조하시기 바랍니다.\
이 상의 수상자들 명단입니다.
- François Jacob (for 1994),
- Abraham Pais (for 1995),
- Freeman Dyson (for 1996)
- Max Perutz (for 1997),
- Ernst Mayr (for 1998),
- Steven Weinberg (for 1999),
- E. O. Wilson (for 2000),
- Oliver Sacks (for 2001),
- Jared Diamond (for 2002),
- Richard Fortey (for 2003)
- Jean-Pierre Changeux (for 2004),
- Thomas Eisner (for 2005),
- Richard Dawkins (for 2006)
- James D. Watson (for 2007).
- Robert Sapolsky (for 2008).
- Martin Rees (for 2009).
Average Customer Review ( |
I have chosen this book as one for all of my ninth grade Honors Biology students to read and report about. The book definitely makes the reader 'think'...you will not be able to just read one page after the other..one will need to keep a dictionary close by. Thomas uses quite alot of scientific terminology. It is definitely not for the lazy reader. It is for those individuals who read to learn more and enjoy the challenge of new vocabulary to broaden their own horizons in science or language itself. I enjoy giving my students a challenge and that is exactly what this book offers to the young mind.
Contents of this book are a compilation of reflective articles originally published in a medical journal. Chapter topics range all over the place, but they present many topics drawn from biological thought prominent through the mid****s -- everything from molecular biology to Gaia to sociobiology.
There is a wealth of material here appropriate for discussion among undergraduate students, professionals, and perhaps even science-directed high school students. Each of the 29 chapters are about 3-5 pages long, can be easily digested, and beg to be reflected upon and discussed.
As for the writing, other Amazon reviewers have referred to the writing in this book as being poetic. While I didn't see so much of that, I was struck by Thomas' ability to turn a phrase, make a point, and discuss complex biological ideas in a manner that is easily understood. The writing in the book is a definite plus.
There are also times in the book where I can imagine Thomas grinning as he wrote, or, perhaps giving the occasional wink! He must have had a wonderful sense of humor.
OK, back to the theme...if there is one...it seems to me that one common theme of several of the chapters has to do with communication -- oral, chemical, behavioral, and genetic. Other possible themes include the fact that humans are "not all that." That we are part of the global system, not running it. Another possibility includes the idea that everything can be an analogy of the way that a cell works -- organelles, membranes, cellular processes, products, and so forth.
This is excellent reading for anyone interested in ideas about life and living. Well written, occasionally humorous, and intruiging.
5 stars!
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2월 초에 실행되는 51회 천문우주+뇌과학 시간에 현장에서 수령하도록 할 예정입니다.
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"세포라는 대우주"라는 제목으로 검색해보니 그런 책이 없다고 나오네요. 어디서 찾을 수 있는지 부탁드립니다.